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Thursday, 4 February 2010

Weekday Training!

Hear ye'! Hear ye'!
To all Spearhead members!

Please take note that the next Spearhead training session will be held on the 9th February 2010, Tuesday, from 3pm-5pm at Red Crescent. So, please arrange your own transport ya'. If you can't make it for some reasons, please inform either Coach Chris or Coach Penny as soon as possible.

As the Penang Floorball League Division II is drawing near, training sessions from hence forth will be crucial and the intensity will be higher. Commitment will be an essential attitude that we will need as a team if we want to achieve unity, and unity to victory. So be ready team!

1 comment:

Zoekucing said...

wahh. tak tau pun spearhead ada blog tersendiri. :D

haha. so updated soemore. (:

KEEP IT UP GUYS! oh, and congrats to the coaches for doing such a great job with the team. WOOOOOSH!.



God bless guys,